Catherine McEvoy, a dairymaid aged 20, embarkation no. 4264. Their agent was RJ Lang, Esq. Rumour has it that another sister was set to accompany Dennis
but changed her mind and Catherine took her place. It is thought they were half English on their mother's side. The Charles Kerr
left London on March 6th, 1840 and travelled via Gravesend. There were 216 passengers with Captain Harford Arnold. We know nothing about the life of Denis and Catherine
before they came to Australia or even where they came from, though it is assumed it was County Laois, then called Queen's County.
Ann Jane Carson born 17-4-1824, Milecross
Newtownards, N Ireland, near Belfast, died 22-8-1920, arrived in Australia on 1st October, 1840, aboard
the Mary Dugdale with her family. She was the
daughter of John Carson and Mary Ann (Wells) Carson and was one of 4 children including
Matilda Carson born 1826 died 16 Jan, 1908, Robert Johnson Carson born c. 1828 died 11-11-1913 and Johnson Carson born c.1833
died c.1897. The family is said to have come from
Milecross Newtownards in Northern Ireland, near Belfast.
According to The McPharlin Family history, Matilda Carson, sister of Ann Carson married John McPharlin.
Their son, John, had a house, Lysander, built "by two local lads both under 30 years of age named McEvoy."
These lads were obviously also nephews of Matilda living in the same area near Two Wells. In fact, there is now a McPharlin Road
very near the area where the McEvoy family lived.
The Directory of SA, 1876, lists the McEvoy brothers as farmers, Broughton Extension
and Dennis McEvoy as a farmer, Grace Plains. The directory of 1881 lists the McEvoy brothers as farmers at Booleroo, Dennis as still at
Grace Plains and Joseph as a farmer at Tarcowie.
Mary Carson (pictured at left in a collage of Old Pioneer women from the SA State Library)
was born Mary Wells c.1789. Her death notice appeared in the
South Australian Advertiser on Monday, January 29, 1883:
CARSON.-On the 23rd January, at Native Point,
district of Port Gawler, Mary, the wife of John Carson, sen, aged 94. Arrived in the colony in 1840.
She is buried at Two Wells Cemetery under the name Mary Carsons.
John Carson born c. 1789 was a
wheelwright and a farmer in Australia and died aged 96 or 98 years on 28-3-1887 at Pinery Point, District of Gawler and is buried at Two Wells
Cemetery. The local history
association has now marked his grave and many others with a cement cross and plaque, for which the family
sincerely thank them.
Dennis married
Ann Jane Carson, usually known as Jane, pictured at left, born 17-4-1824, Ireland,
on 25th April, 1843 in Adelaide. They were employed by Mr Angus McLean at first but bought land at Dry Creek, 20 miles from Adelaide.
Some details (not necessarily correct) of their early life were given in an obituary about their daughter Catherine, on her death.
The first six children were born at Dry Creek but they then moved to the hundred of Port Gawler to live near
the Gawler River at Lewiston close to Two Wells in 1854. They paid 300 pounds for the property.
The last two children were born at Port Gawler.
'The Adelaide Observer' of Saturday, 28th April, 1855, reports that the Muddla Wirra Council meeting
resolved that Messrs. Henry Hornhardt, James McCord, Johnson Carson, Dennis McEvoy, and Samuel Cassidy, be requested to act as a Building Committee
for the proposed school at Port Gawler, and to
furnish the Council, at their next meeting, with a plan and estimate of the cost of the building.
This information is also to be found in Life around the Light and in Two Wells Then and Now by Bet Williams.
At right is a plaque for the Lewiston
School. The Adelaide Almanack, (on micro fiche) Town and Country Directory, Guide to SA for 1863, 1864 and 1865 by Josiah Boothby, lists
Dennis "McIvoy" as a farmer, Section 163, Reeves Plains.
In 1866 and 1867 no McEvoy is listed and then in 1868, John McEvoy is listed as a farmer on Sec 513, Lewiston.
In 1869 and 1870, Mrs. McEvoy is listed as owner of a farm at Sec 513 Lewiston.
An article in the 'Southern Cross' on Friday 9 September 1949, page 8 lists Denis McEvoy as one
of the people who contributed towards the 1850-1851 work on St. Franis Xavier Cathedral, Adelaide.
Margaret McEvoy, the only other proven and known sibling of Dennis McEvoy, apart from Catherine,
married Bryan Kilbride at the Athy parish church on 4 February,
1838. Bryan Kilbride, a tailor, died on 16 January, 1874 aged 76 years
at Duke Street in Athy (pictured) from chronic bronchitis. Margaret was present at his death. Margaret died suddenly of natural causes
at Duke Street on 20 September, 1876 aged 66. This would mean she was born in 1810 and aged 28 years when she married Bryan in 1838.
As far as we know, Bryan and Margaret Kilbride had 6 children whose baptism dates (usually close to the birth) are shown:
Mary 10-02-1839, Thomas 02-05-1841, Margaret 11-06-1843, Felix (birth 24-5-1845) 01-06-1845, Catherine 04-07-1847 and Anne 15-07-1849.
Bryan Kilbride is called Bryan 3 times and Bernard 3 times in the register, which might mean that his name was Bernard Bryan but he was usually
called Bryan, since Margaret calls him Bryan.
In the 1911 census, Felix Kilbride aged 65, master tailor, is recorded as living at Duke Street Athy with his wife of 26 years, Mary Kilbride nee Murphy 55,
his son Bernard 23, a teacher, daughter Annie 17 and son Felix 15, both scholars. They have had a total of 9 children born
living of whom only 5 are still alive. Living with the family is Felix senior's sister, Margaret Kilbride, aged 67, single and a seamstress.
All members of the household can read and write and are Roman Catholic.
Felix Kilbride emigrated to the US in 1914. In the census of 1920 the family are at Cook, Illinois. Living with Felix and Mary
are Joseph, 30, Annie, 26 and Felix 24. Felix died 1-1-1937 at Northfield, Cook County, Illinois aged 91, occupation merchant tailor.
His wife, Mary Kilbride was born 24-12-1855 in ireland and died at Chicago, Cook County, Illinois on 23-4-1923 aged 68 years.
Dennis McEvoy died in a tragic accident on 25-7-1865 at Pt Gawler aged 60 years according to
the certificates but aged 53 years if he really was 28 years old when he arrived in Australia. We presume he was
actually 35 years old when he came to Australia. The 1840 South Australian Almanac states that money raised from the sale of land was to be
used to pay free passage to the colony from Great Britain and Ireland for poor persons, "provided that they shall, as far as possible,
be adult persons of the two sexes in equal proportions and not exceeding the age of thirty years."Cause of death was
an injury to the spine. A death notice in The Register for Friday, August 4th, 1865 said, McEVOY:On the 25th
July, Denis McEvoy, Port Gawler, aged 60 years-a colonist of 25 years' standing, and regretted by a large circle
of friends.

A news story
about him in The South Australian
Advertiser left, from Monday, August 7th, 1865 gives the sad circumstances of his death and says that
he was buried in Gawler. The Supplement to The South Australian Weekly Chronicle of August
5th, 1865, on Page 328 (microfilm) contains exactly the same article.
Another similar article about the death appeared in The Register, right, on Monday, August 7th, 1865.
The same article also appeared in The Observer of about the same date.
Pat Sheehan of Gawler, kindly consulted the parish register of St Peter and Paul
Catholic Church, Gawler, and in February 1863 the Catholic priest from Gawler, Father Roe, left and after that
the district was without a resident priest but attended by Adelaide clergy until 1866.
Records of burials were not kept during this time although a note does say
that all burials were in the existing council cemetery, which would be Pioneer Park, since Willaston Cemetery was not opened until 1866. The town council
also seems to have been in disarray at the time. The investigation continues. Here is Dennis McEvoy's will
Ann then married Luke Plunkett, farmer, son of Thomas Plunkett, at St Patrick's Church, West Terrace, Adelaide on 7-2-1873.
She was 49 yrs old. Patrick J. Corcoran was the officiating minister. Luke Plunkett's birth date is variously given as 1828, 1834 and 1839 born Ireland
died 19.6.1901 Port Gawler South Australia, Australia.
His father was Thomas Plunkett, Mother, Ann Daly and Siblings were James Plunkett, Christopher Plunkett, Ann Plunkett Jeffcott, Thomas Plunkett, Catherine Plunkett Daglish,
William Plunkett, Ellen Plunkett Alexander, Susan Plunkett Coffey, Rosa Plunkett Corner. (information via Ludwig Kraayenbrink)
Ann Jane lived to 96 years of age and is buried as Ann Jane Plunkett in West Terrace Cemetery, Adelaide, with her son,
Dennis Matthew, and daughter in law, Ellen Jane McEvoy (nee Case). She was the widow of Luke Plunkett,
labourer, who died 19-6-1901, aged 74, and is buried at the Willaston cemetery, and her usual place of residence was Balaklava.
Another obituary giving more details of Jane's life with Luke Plunkett appeared in the Balaklava Newspaper, The Wooroora Producer on September 2nd, 1920
Mrs Plunkett died at North Adelaide on August 22,1920. The deceased lady was born in Ireland on April 13,1824, and arrived in this colony with her parents,
John and Mary Carson, in the ship Mary Dugdale in 1840. Mrs Plunkett was the eldest of the family, all of whom are now dead. Shortly after arriving she
entered the employ of Mr Angus McLean as a domestic, where she married Mr Dennis McEvoy, who was also employed by Mr McLean, The couple were married at
North Adelaide in 1843 by the Rev. Father Benson, and afterwards went to Dry Creek, where Mr McEvoy secured a small piece of land.
They reared nine children, one daughter end eight sons, the eldest and youngest of whom are dead. In the year 1865 Mr McEvoy died at Gawler
River to which place they removed in 1854. Mrs McEvoy moved to Grace Plains in 1869, when she disposed of her holding and went to live at Alma Plains
where she married Mr Plunkett. On the Broughton Areas coming out she and her sons secured land, but being a dry part in those days, and one year proving
a total failure in the crops, they were compelled to leave the Areas from where they proceeded to Boolereo Centre where they again took up land and
remained there for a couple of years. As they were desirous of trying dairying and farming combined, they disposed of their land at Booleroo Centre,
and secured some selected land at Pinda, near Hammond, where, with her son Robert she lived for over 20 years, until the great drought set in, and as
they lost most of their stock through starvation, and funds getting very low they were compelled to leave the district. Their next move was to
Gawler, in 1876, where Mr Plunkett died in 1901. After remaining there for 12 years Mrs Plunkett moved to Balaklava, where she and her son Robert,
lived until May 21st of this year but owing to old age and other infirmities, and being a great sufferer she was compelled to seek medical attention
and went to the North Adelaide hospital where she passed peacefully away to rest on the 22nd inst.
Two of her grandsons served in the late war, one being killed. She leaves one daughter and six sons, 43 grandchildren, 50 great and 4
great-great-grandchildren to mourn the sad loss. Mrs Plunkett was loved and highly respected by all, being of a kind and benevolent spirit.
And the Chronicle of 18-9-1920 said:
Mrs. Luke Plunkett, a pioneer, who arrived in South Australia in 1840, died recently in her 96th year. She was a native of Ireland,
and came out with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Carson, in the ship Mary Dugdale. The trip occupied four months. Three years later Miss Carson
married Mr. Dennis McEvoy, who died in 1865, and left nine children. Her second husband was Mr. Plunkett, who died 19 years ago. When living
on a farm at Dry Creek she walked many times into Adelaide with her butter, and back home again. Mrs. Plunkett left a daughter, six sons,
43 grandchildren, 50 great-grandchildren, and four great great grandchildren.
The following article comes from The Adelaide Chronicle, April 26th, 1919 on page 36, columns D and E.
Mrs Plunkett, who completed her 95th year on April 17, came to South Australia in
the "Mary Dugdale" in 1840 with her parents (the late Mr and Mrs John Carson).
She was born in Ireland on Easter Sunday morning, April 17, 1824.
She was married to Mr Dennis McEvoy by Father Benson at North Adelaide in 1843,
and settled on a small piece of land at Dry Creek. There were few horses or cattle here then, and the
cultivation even of a few acres was difficult.
She bought two cows from the South Australian Company and often she walked across Gilles Plains with
her butter to Adelaide.
Her husband secured a team of bullocks and carted ore from Burra to Port Adelaide. There were
many natives about, but she stayed alone, as they were friendly and harmless.
It took nine days to do the trip via Port Adelaide to Burra . There was a camping ground where
Salisbury stands and she would always tell when her husband would be home by the
notes of his bullock bell.
They moved from Dry Creek to Gawler River, then named Lewiston, in 1854. The land
was hard to break up and not very good. Mr McEvoy met with an accident which caused his
death in 1865, and his widow was left with a young family.
This was the first red rust year in the state, and many crops were valueless.
She married Mr Luke Plunkett some years later (on 7-2-1873, 8-9 years later) and he died in 1901, (so they were together for 28 years)
She says the day of the wooden plough and sickle were the happiest days.
She has 43 grandchildren, 72 great grandchildren and 2 great great grandchildren.
The youngest and oldest of the five generations are living. Mrs Plunkett, who lives
in Balaklava, can still thread a needle and do a little sewing.
The picture above comes from a compilation of photos "SA Pioneers arriving 1836 to 1845"
in the state library and 14K is labelled McEvoy, so it is likely that this is Jane McEvoy nee Carson. Whether she qualified
as a pioneer I am not sure, as a librarian recently told me dismissively that if they weren't pioneers they were probably
emigrant laborers. I'm presuming that you can start as an emigrant laborer and become a pioneer. The picture of Grandma Plunkett,
formerly Ann Jane McEvoy nee Carson, at right, was supplied by Frances Mysior who acquired it from a friend at Victor Harbor.
The Advertiser June 25, 1901, page 4
PLUNKETT: On the 19th June, at Gawler Plains, Luke Plunkett, aged 74 years. R.I.P.
The Adelaide Chronicle September 4, 1920, page 27
PLUNKETT: On the 22nd August, at North Adelaide, Ann Jane, the beloved wife of the late Luke Plunkett,
aged 96 years. A colonist of 80 years. Dearly beloved and highly respected by a
large circle of friends. R.I.P.
Family Index
1.1 Catherine McEvoy Family
1.2 John McEvoy Family
1.3 William McEvoy Family
1.4 Dennis McEvoy Family
1.5 Joseph McEvoy Family
1.6 Edward, 1.7 Robert, 1.8 Francis, 1.9 Daniel McEvoy Families
1.5.1 Fred McEvoy (3rd generation)
Home Page
Find a name and it will link to the appropriate web page. Women are
listed by maiden names.
The whole McEvoy family as known is
listed in these 9 web pages based on Bob Munro's book and other information received, but
I've focussed on my own line by having a separate page for Frederick McEvoy 1.5.1 and descendants.
Only the McEvoy descendants (of whatever name) are followed because you have to have some kind of cut off point or
it is never ending. My main aim is to list as many descendants as possible.
This is an amazing 425 page account of the descendants of Dennis McEvoy and Jane (Ann Jane) Carson and the starting point for information on these pages.
It is illustrated with many old and new photos and was updated and reprinted in Feb 2023.
FACEBOOK: Please join us. McEvoy Family History, South Australia
Many thanks to Robert (Bob) J. Munro for his book 'A Wee Deoch and Doris, The Family of Doris Amy Munro nee McEvoy' on which these pages are based,
to John Kilmartin (sadly missed, died October, 2009) for researching much family information and to Allan McEvoy born 1902 who produced
a sheet of information I have which was written in 1976. Thanks also to other family members who have contributed information including Max Shackleford
and Richard Quinnn for Quinn family information.
Thank you to Tony Drewry, who generously gave me the CSS code for colouring separate generations which
can now be distinguished by number, colour and amount of indent on the family web pages .
Please email me with details of any mistakes you find or with further information.
Updated 24-6-2024